FIBRE Mechanics and Carkeek Design announce a new 52ft IRC racing yacht for 2021.
Full production tooling for the new boat, to be known as the CF-520 is now under construction at FIBRE Mechanics in Lymington UK; with boat one due for launch in March 2021. FIBRE Mechanics plan to build a short series of CF-520s, with boat one already scheduled for launching in early March 2021. Two more build slots are available for delivery mid April and end of May 2021 respectively.
Boat one is being configured principally for offshore racing and will feature a water ballast tank system designed to reduce the crew numbers to 7 or 8. However, Carkeek Design Partners and FIBRE Mechanics are making a wide range of equipment options available allowing subsequent boats to be configured to suit different racing programmes. Preliminary details indicate a full on approach to the hull build, with Waterfront Composites specifying full IM carbon and honeycomb core throughout. Detailed specifications and pricing for the standard boat are due for release on Sept 18th.